Meet Naia – Our January Rescue Dog!

Rescue Pets is featuring Naia, a cute girl looking for a forever home. Let’s thank Dog Gone Seattle and our players for making this possible!

Meet Naia – Our January Rescue Dog!

Published: Jan 2020, Dan Scalise

UPDATE 1/18/20: Naia was adopted! Thanks everyone! All the merch and in-app purchases during PAX South were able to replace the funds Dog Gone Seattle spent on Naia’s medical needs and transportation to Seattle. I’m very grateful. I really can’t explain how meaningful it is to me to see our game make real impact. A year ago it was just a vision, now it’s reality. Thank you all!


I’m THRILLED to announce we are partnering with Dog Gone Seattle to feature another rescue: Naia!

You can find her adoption page here, along with other dogs from Dog Gone Seattle. Their mission page is an excellent read if you want to learn more about how they help!


She was rescued from Hawaii. Her foster mom says she’s a great friendly dog. She’s had some illnesses lately and Dog Gone Seattle has had to pay for extra medical treatment (almost $300 worth!). Along with her shipment from Hawaii, this has taken some extra spending. We are looking for our players to help us sponsor this cost! 


Don’t forget to play our game to support Naia and our future rescues. Now is also a great time to get our Pet Superhero Boost Subscription! You’ll get a 2x gold boost for as long as you’re subscribed and it’s just a dollar or two to get started! Just download our game, and find it in the pawprint page! 


Each purchase has enabled us to sponsor Naia and our future dogs, and we are mega grateful for that. If you’d rather donate directly to Dog Gone Seattle, you can do that here



– Dan Scalise (Developer, Creator of Rescue Pets)



