Meet Oliver – Our Egg Event Featured Foster!

Meet Oliver, this sweetheart we’re sponsoring in our Egg Event. He has multiple surgeries coming up and we’d like to cover it all for Dog Gone Seattle. Have fun in our event and help us help him!

Here’s Oliver!

Published: Apr 2020, Dan Scalise

Hello Rescuers! We’re partnering with Dog Gone Seattle to feature Oliver! We pledge to donate 20% of our purchases during our Egg event to help him with his medical bills. Here’s what they said about him:


Oliver is a 9-year-old cocker spaniel who was dumped at a high kill shelter. Upon rescue, we discovered he needed:

-A full dental with several extractions
-Stitches in his mouth to close a hole caused by a broken jaw
-Tear test and stain test for both eyes. Oliver has severe blurred vision, as well as an infection in both eyes. He tested at a level 10 for tear production, needing eye drops daily for lack of tear production.


Despite everything Oliver has been through, he is showing to be incredibly resilient and oh so sweet! He gives an adorable head tilt when you talk to him, and loves to nudge in for pets and curls up on your lap. He is an absolute sweetheart!


Here’s his adoption page wit more info. He’s happy in his foster home while he waits for his surgeries to complete.


You can play Rescue Pets to support Oliver and help us rescue even more animals in the future. When players spend money, we donate to Dog Gone Seattle to pay for transportation, medical, and other costs related to their fostering program.

We have tips on how to get in the top ten of our new player leaderboard that will help you get an exclusive prize from our booth in person (and bragging rights of course!)


Now is also a great time to get our Pet Superhero Boost Subscription! You’ll get a 2x gold boost for as long as you’re subscribed and it’s just a dollar or two to get started! Just download our game, and find it on the pawprint page at the bottom! 

Each purchase has enabled us to sponsor Treble, Naia, Kona, and more, and we are MEGA grateful for that. If you’d rather donate directly to Dog Gone Seattle, you can do that here


– Dan Scalise (Developer, Creator of Rescue Pets)