October 2019 – Rescue Pets
Published: Oct 2019, Dan Scalise
Welcome to the first post in a quarterly series that documents our journey to save animals that we share together.
If you love animals, this is a journey worth being a part of. What we’re doing is beyond just playing our game – it’s about SAVING animals’ lives and showing them the same unconditional LOVE they show us.
What went well this month?
September has been a wonderful month for us. We finally launched Rescue Pets and had hundreds of people playing! Thank you to all who played and gave feedback! If you have any feedback or feature requests, please contact us here.
We’ve also made progress towards our first real-world impact started. I want to give a huge THANK YOU to everyone who paid this month! These payments are going straight towards our first partnership with Seattle Humane, which will help a real animal find a loving home!
Our most sold in-app purchase is the dynamic birthday costume, of course! People love that they can PARTY with their pet! If you’ve haven’t purchased it yet, you can find it in the costume tab in the app. Remember, EVERY purchase will help real animals!
What did we learn?
Players have inspired me on the direction to take the game. Your feedback has given me a list of things to work on. Thank you!
Personally, I’ve had a rough month that has taken some time away from me working on the game. Through this, I’ve realized that I need more help from people to develop and promote the game. If you are PASSIONATE about helping animals and want to help us develop, test, or promote the game, be sure to contact us and SHARE our game with your fellow animal lovers. Let’s Rescue Pets together!
On the development side, I learned that developing for iOS can be a struggle. Apple has a very thorough process for getting apps on the App Store approved. Those of you on iOS noticed some bugs that lasted a while while I was working with Apple on getting these updates approved. I’ll keep this one in the memory book for you all, even if it’s embarrassing for me:
That’s not how you wear a shirt, Corgster!
Luckily, the latest update fixes this bug. So, if you haven’t yet, DOWNLOAD it and check out what it’s supposed to look like! (You only have until the end of October to unlock all the pieces of the early access costume, so get it before it’s gone!)
What’s next?
For October, I’m looking forward to launching HALLOWEEN costumes for your Corgi! Look forward to this update and try to unlock every costume before it’s gone!
Also, keep in mind, the Early Access Costume will be removed from the game at the end of October. Unlock all parts of it before then!
In the meantime, I’m working with Seattle Humane to get our first real-world impact started. Look forward to the announcement soon!
Follow us to stay tuned to updates! Please think of a friend that has been touched by an animal and SHARE our mission with them. Let’s Rescue Pets Together!
– Dan Scalise (Developer, Creator of Rescue Pets)
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